Kaya Slater is a Transformational Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Mentor who serves humanity through a range of powerful modalities designed to tap into the integration of the mind body and spirit. Kaya is an accomplished Senior Yoga and Meditation teacher and Teacher Trainer, teaching yoga at Diploma Level, with 25 years industry experience.

She combines a transformative umbrella of holistic healing and coaching services to bring about peace, balance and harmony to the mind, emotional body and spirit, allowing those she works with to find freedom, vitality and wellness once more and a deep sense of connecting to their truth. Her soul mission is to awaken those she works with to their true soul potential and calling and aims to bring her clients into their highest frequencies and into their highest timelines through her work.

She runs transformational yoga retreats yoga trainings and yoga coaching and mentoring programs for teachers. Yoga is a big part of the transformational holistic health coaching programs she offers. An expert in the chakras and in energy medicine, Kaya’s work transforms the lives of those students and clients who are drawn to her magic.
