We live in a results world where the intention is only half of the battle for both individuals and companies alike. If you have ever read “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu then you know the importance of knowing what to do and being prepared. But knowing what to do, needs to carry action with it to see results.

When you look at yourself both personally and professionally, are you getting the results you would like to? Are things going according to plan? If the answer to these questions is no, don’t worry because you are far from alone. You know what you want but you just haven’t gotten there yet.

This gap between winning and losing, achieving and failing, is one that most of us know about and struggle with. Even when all outward appearances seem equal and the playing field is supposedly level, some of us are producing results and others of us are just dealing with them. Businesses will embrace the same hiring practices and use the same leadership and management teams and yet they will still see different results. Why is that?

For management, this is a frustrating but familiar challenge seen on a daily basis. These managers become frustrated as they look at their training programs and say to themselves, “I’m giving everyone the same training, the same resources, the same information, and the same amount of attention. Why are some succeeding while others are squandering? What more can I do?” The answer here is the knowing-doing gap. The people that fall into this category are the people that know what to do but they aren’t doing it. It’s really that basic and simple.

It’s easy to cast off these people as lazy, stubborn, or unwilling to do what it takes to get the job done. However, the answer is based in a deeper psychological principle and is far more complex than just centered around if someone has the will to do what needs to be done or not. The force holding people back who are stuck in this gap is called a paradigm. Paradigms are made up of inner belief systems a person has about themselves and their environment, the economy, their upbringing, their level of education, their capabilities, their self-worth, and even their current socio-economic status.

These are vital issues and feelings attached to how a person acts and what they think they deserve. Let’s consider both a personal and professional example to help you understand more. In your personal life, you know that eating right and working out are important parts of health. You know that you should start running and eating better. You set up a whole routine and plan to do it but, in the end, you don’t do it. You’re worried about how you will look running, or how little distance you can run. You tell yourself that you’ll never look as good as the models, so what is the point?

Professionally, you go into sales and you do all of the training, read all of the books, and learn all of the techniques to be the top salesperson. But you see the winning salespeople and think, “I don’t have the confidence that they do.” You worry you’ll sound stupid during sales calls. You know what to do but you do think you’re good enough and you end up holding yourself back.

We get caught up in the process and the preparation as well as the results and fail to realise that the battles are really won in between. We have to mind the gap and alter the paradigm for ourselves and within our business organizations.

Within the “Thinking into Results” coaching program that I teach we are dedicated to understanding the Knowing-Doing Gap. I work with people and teach them how to alter the paradigm that is holding them back. Once you conquer your paradigm your business will change, your life will change, and you will be amazed at the results that you get.

Here’s a way to understand how paradigms hold us back. Paradigms keep people operating at 40km an hour even though there is infinite horsepower under the hood. We never get up to the speed we are capable of and…. If we did, we’d astonish ourselves” Bob Proctor

With the “Thinking into Results” program, we work to help you solve the paradigms that are holding you back in your life. “Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave” John Ruskin. We believe that while knowledge is power, it’s actions that will unlock your true potential.